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PDF Icon Not Showing on Desktop Explorer Windows 10

Struggling to find the PDF icon on your Windows 10 desktop explorer? Let’s troubleshoot the issue together.

Utilizing Adobe Acrobat for Thumbnails

To utilize Adobe Acrobat for thumbnails in Windows 10, follow these steps:

1. Open Adobe Acrobat and go to Edit > Preferences.

2. In the Preferences window, select ‘Page Display’ from the left-hand menu.

3. Check the box next to ‘Show large icons’ under the ‘Show’ section.

4. Click ‘OK’ to save the changes.

5. Now, when you navigate to your PDF files in File Explorer, you should see thumbnails of the documents instead of generic icons.

6. If the PDF icon is still not showing on your desktop explorer, you may need to rebuild the icon cache in Windows 10.

7. To rebuild the icon cache, open the Run dialog by pressing Windows key + R, type in ‘cmd’, and press Enter.

8. In the Command Prompt window, type the following commands one by one and press Enter after each:
– cd /d %userprofile%\AppData\Local
– del IconCache.db /a
– exit

9. After running these commands, restart your computer to see if the PDF icon now appears correctly in File Explorer.

10. If the issue persists, you may need to uninstall and reinstall Adobe Acrobat to ensure proper integration with Windows 10.

11. To uninstall Adobe Acrobat, go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, find Adobe Acrobat in the list, and click ‘Uninstall’.

12. Once Adobe Acrobat is uninstalled, download the latest version of the software from the Adobe website and follow the installation instructions.

13. After reinstalling Adobe Acrobat, reboot your computer and check if the PDF icon now displays correctly on your desktop explorer in Windows 10.

Enabling Thumbnails via PowerToys

PDF icon in PowerToys

To enable thumbnails for PDF files in Windows 10 Explorer using PowerToys, follow these steps:

1. First, download and install PowerToys from the official Microsoft website.

2. Once installed, open PowerToys and navigate to the ‘File Explorer’ tab.

3. Under the ‘File Explorer’ tab, toggle on the option for ‘File Explorer add-ons.’

4. Next, click on the ‘Preview Pane’ option and enable it.

5. Now, go to a folder containing PDF files in Windows Explorer.

6. Select a PDF file, and enable the preview pane by pressing Alt + P.

7. You should now see a thumbnail preview of the PDF file in the preview pane.

8. If the thumbnails are still not showing, try restarting your computer to apply the changes.

9. After restarting, go back to the folder with PDF files and check if the thumbnails are now visible.

10. If the thumbnails are still not showing, you may need to uninstall and reinstall PowerToys or check for any updates available for the software.

Adjusting Thumbnails with Registry Editor

  • Open Registry Editor by pressing Windows Key + R, typing “regedit”, and hitting Enter.
  • Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.pdf in the Registry Editor.
  • Check if the Default value is set to AcroExch.Document.
  • If not, right-click on Default and select Modify.
  • Change the Value data to AcroExch.Document and click OK.
  • Restart File Explorer to apply the changes.

Refreshing the Thumbnail Cache

PDF file icon icon

To refresh the thumbnail cache on Windows 10 and fix the issue of the PDF icon not showing on the desktop explorer, follow these steps:

– First, close all open windows and programs on your computer.
– Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
– Type taskkill /f /im explorer.exe and press Enter to kill the Windows Explorer process.
– Next, type explorer.exe in the Run dialog box and press Enter to restart Windows Explorer.
– This will refresh the thumbnail cache and should resolve the issue of the PDF icon not showing on the desktop explorer in Windows 10.

If the problem persists, you can try clearing the thumbnail cache completely by following these steps:

– Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
– Type cleanmgr and press Enter to open the Disk Cleanup utility.
– Select the drive where Windows is installed (usually C:) and click OK.
– Check the box next to Thumbnails and click OK to delete the thumbnail cache.
– Restart your computer to apply the changes and check if the PDF icon now appears correctly on the desktop explorer.

By refreshing or clearing the thumbnail cache, you can often fix issues with icons not displaying correctly on Windows 10. If the problem persists even after following these steps, you may need to consider other troubleshooting methods or seek further assistance from Microsoft support.


How do I show the icon of a PDF?

To show the icon of a PDF, you can open Acrobat or Acrobat Reader and select the hamburger menu, then go to Preferences. In the Preferences dialog box, choose General and select the option to Enable PDF thumbnail previews in Windows Explorer.

How do I restore a PDF icon?

To restore a PDF icon, you can follow these steps: Go to the search box and type in “File Explorer Options.” Click on the first result that appears on the screen.

How do I show the attachment icon in a PDF?

To show the attachment icon in a PDF, you can go to the page where you want to add the icon, click to place it, then browse for a file in the Open dialog box and click Open. After selecting display and other properties in the File Attachment Properties dialog box, close it and an attachment symbol will appear in your document.

Why is my PDF not displaying?

Your PDF may not be displaying because of an outdated or corrupted browser cache. Clearing your browser cache should help resolve the issue and allow the PDF to display properly.

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