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Low Logical Disk Free Space Alert in SCOM

In this article, I will discuss the issue of receiving low logical disk free space alerts in SCOM and how to troubleshoot and resolve this issue effectively.

Identifying What Occupies Disk Space

Disk storage visualization

  1. Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc
    • This will allow you to see which processes are using the most disk space
  2. Use Disk Cleanup tool to remove unnecessary files
    • Run the Disk Cleanup tool to delete temporary files, old system files, and other unnecessary data
  3. Check for large files or folders taking up space
    • Sort files and folders by size to identify any large ones that can be deleted or moved to free up space
  4. Monitor disk space regularly to prevent future alerts
    • Set up alerts or reminders to check disk space regularly and take action before it becomes a problem

Ways to Increase Available Disk Space

To increase available disk space in SCOM, start by identifying the source of the low disk space alert. Check the logical disk in question and determine which files or applications are taking up the most space. Next, consider deleting any unnecessary files or applications to free up space. You can also resize partitions or add additional storage to the server to increase available disk space.

Regularly monitoring disk space and performing maintenance tasks can help prevent low disk space alerts in the future.

Cleaning and Maintaining Disk Space

To clean and maintain disk space in SCOM, start by deleting unnecessary files and programs on the server. Use PowerShell scripts to automate the process and free up space efficiently. Check the logical disk properties in SCOM to monitor the disk space regularly. Set up alerts for low disk space to take action promptly. Consider disk cleanup tools to remove temporary files and free up additional space. Regularly monitor disk health to prevent any critical issues.

Upgrading Disk for More Storage Capacity

To upgrade the disk for more storage capacity, first identify the specific disk that is running low on space. Next, check the available disk space on other disks to determine the best disk to upgrade. Once the disk is selected, backup all important data before proceeding with the upgrade. Install the new disk and transfer the data from the old disk to the new one. Finally, reconfigure your storage settings in SCOM to reflect the upgraded disk.


How do I fix low disk space?

To fix low disk space, you can free up space by using the Disk Cleanup tool. Just search for “disk cleanup” in the taskbar, select the drive you want to clean up files for, and then click OK to delete temporary and system files.

How to fix low disk space in Linux?

To fix low disk space in Linux, you can start by connecting to the system. Then, use the df -h command to check disk space usage. Next, navigate to the root directory and use the du -sh * command to find which directories are using the most disk space.

What are the symptoms of low disk space?

The symptoms of low disk space include slow computer performance and potential issues with software functionality. This problem arises when there is not enough storage space available on the hard drive.

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